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  • FSA - Feeler S Architects
  • RCDA - Risk and Cost Driven Architecture
  • OACE - Open Architecture Computing Environment
  • AVIT - Architects for Voice Integrated Technologies
  • MADA - Monash Art Design Architecture
  • HPPA - Hewlett Packard Precision Architecture
  • SYAF - Savannah Young Architects Forum
  • SRA - Single Request Architecture
  • JJLA - Jessalyn Jarest landscape architecture
  • CSA - Civil/Structural/Architectural
  • OAW - Ottawa Architecture Week
  • CAFFE - Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding
  • BPAE - Building Partnerships in Architecture Education
  • XAA - X Acceleration Architecture
  • XAA - Xfree86 Acceleration Architecture
  • AFMB - Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques
  • DRMA - Dynamically Reconfigurable MPSoC Architecture
  • RAPT - Regional Architecture and Platform Team
  • ACAU - Asian Coalition for Architecture and Urbanism
  • QKA - Quattrocchi Kwok Architects
  • HNA - Health Network Architecture
  • IFTB - Indexed Fetch Target Buffer
  • AAAE - Asian American Architects and Engineers
  • UFSA - User Friendly and Secure Architecture
  • DCAP - David Cunningham Architecture Planning

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