BLPES - British Library of Politics, Economics and Sociology (London School of Economics; England; UK)SLAAP - Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis ProjectNCSLAAP - North Carolina Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis ProjectPRESTIGE - Pride, Religion/humanitarian, Econonmic, Social darwinism, Technology, Industrial revolution,Geo-politics,EthnocentrismUNAFEI - United Nations Asia and Far East InstituteRASIM - Refugee, Asylum Seeker, Immigrant & MigrantIJCS - International Journal of Comparative SociologyMIA - Moving Image ArtsRASIM - Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Immigrants and MigrantsAROP - At Risk Of PovertyDTGT - Dual-Task Gait TrainingCURS - Center for Urban and Regional SociologyENM - Ethical Non-MonogamySkate - Skills, Knowledge, Attitude, Training, ExperienceSSWA - Sociology, Social Work, & AnthropologyRCCWs - Residential Child Care WorkersGM - Good MarriageESI - Educated in Sociology InAncSoc - Ancient SocietyINAS - International Network of Analytical SociologyWLK - Weird Little KidDCES - Department of Community and Environmental SociologyAJS - American Journal of SociologyALNK - Associative LinkISS - International Social Service