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  • OWCFP - Order of Work, Contractor for Furnish Programme
  • OCO - Other Contractors, Opportunities for
  • OAA - Omissions, Alterations and Additions
  • OCE - Objections to Contractor's Employees
  • NEE - Notice to Employer and Engineer
  • NSD - Nominated Subcontractors, Definition
  • NSON - Nominated Subcontractors, Objection to Nomination
  • MAI - Minimum Amount of Insurance
  • NSCP - Nominated Subcontractors, Certification of Payments to
  • MM - Measurement, Method of
  • MIR - Materials, Improper - Removal
  • MPT - Materials and Plant, Transport of
  • LSIB - Lump Sum Items - Breakdown
  • LDRR - Loss or Damage - Responsibility to Rectify
  • LDRR - Lump Sum Items - Breakdown
  • LDD - Liquidated Damages for Delay
  • ELDCE - Employer not Liable for Damage to Contractor's Equipment
  • DDCS - Drawings and Documents - Custody and Supply of
  • DFCS - Drawings, Failure by Contractor to Submit
  • DDCDD - Drawings, Delays and Cost of Delay of Drawings
  • DME - Documents Mutually Explanatory
  • DCE - Dismissal of Contractor's Employees
  • DED - Disputes, Engineer's Decision
  • DIS - Drawing and Instructions - Supplementary
  • DDC - Discrepancies in Documents of Contract

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