OWCFP - Order of Work, Contractor for Furnish ProgrammeOCO - Other Contractors, Opportunities forOAA - Omissions, Alterations and AdditionsOCE - Objections to Contractor's EmployeesNEE - Notice to Employer and EngineerNSD - Nominated Subcontractors, DefinitionNSON - Nominated Subcontractors, Objection to NominationMAI - Minimum Amount of InsuranceNSCP - Nominated Subcontractors, Certification of Payments toMM - Measurement, Method ofMIR - Materials, Improper - RemovalMPT - Materials and Plant, Transport ofLSIB - Lump Sum Items - BreakdownLDRR - Loss or Damage - Responsibility to RectifyLDRR - Lump Sum Items - BreakdownLDD - Liquidated Damages for DelayELDCE - Employer not Liable for Damage to Contractor's EquipmentDDCS - Drawings and Documents - Custody and Supply ofDFCS - Drawings, Failure by Contractor to SubmitDDCDD - Drawings, Delays and Cost of Delay of DrawingsDME - Documents Mutually ExplanatoryDCE - Dismissal of Contractor's EmployeesDED - Disputes, Engineer's DecisionDIS - Drawing and Instructions - SupplementaryDDC - Discrepancies in Documents of Contract