VHS - Vanguard Health SystemsSCHW - Charles Schwab CorpCXZ - Crosshair Energy CorpCPHI - China Pharma Holdings, Inc.NP - Notice PeriodBBAL - New York Health Care, Inc.PS - Prefered ShareJACK - Jack In The BoxHBM - HudBay Minerals, Inc., Ordinary SharesFIM - First Mortgage Investors (de-listed)WPL - W. P. Stewart & Company, LTD.WPC - W. P. Carey & Company, L. L. C.WOS - Wolseley PLC, American Depositary ReceiptsWOR - Worthington Industries, Inc.VTI - Vanguard Total Stock Market Exchange Traded FundCFC - Free CountrywideWNT P - Washington National Corporation PreferredWNT - Washington National CorporationTNU - Teligent, Inc.RGF - R&G Financial CorporationRGC - Regal Entertainment GroupTNP - Tsakos Energy Navigation, LTD.RCA - Radio Corporation of America (now de-listed)WNH - Western National CorporationREP - Repsol International Finance, S. A.