WKBF - Kaiser Broadcasting Federation - WKBF Channel 61RAJAR - Radio Joint Audience ResearchWSRK - We Sister RocKBBC - British Broadcasting Company LtdGW - Ground WaveHCJB - The Voice of the Andes (not an acronym)FRCN - Federal Radio Corporation of NigeriaWTNY - Wait 'Til Next YearWNET - Detroit Educational Radio StationWJAT - 800 AM, Swainsboro, Georgia, USAWQVR - Quinebaug Valley RadioSouthbridge Massachusetts is in the Quinebaug Valley.RERH - Real Estate Radio HoustonCR - Citizen Radio6IX - Forever Classic 6iX is historically one of the earlier radio stations in Perth, Western AustraliaIRIB - Iranian Republic Iran BroadcastingOTCR - Old Time Christian RadioBOBD - Boulevard of Broken Dreams (by Green Day)WSPY - West suburbs, Sandwich, Plano, YorkvilleWFNH - World Focus on Natural HealthNML - New.Music.Live.RAC - Radio Amateurs of CanadaXEW - Call sign for AM, FM, and TV stations in Mexico City, MexicoYV - Yiddish VoiceWPID - AM radio station in Piedmont, Alabama1230 - 1230 AM The Buzz (not an acronym)