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首页 > 计算机 > 集会


  • MPA - Motorizes Polygon Assembly
  • PCAG - PEBBLE CREEK Assembly of God
  • TQA - Total Quality Assembly
  • TIGRA - Targeted Iterative Graph Routing Assembly
  • TSA - Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly
  • EBA - Europe Business Assembly
  • NPA - Non Participant Assembly
  • RBA - Regulated Backflow Assembly
  • DS - Dock Station
  • UTA - Utility Transfer Assembly
  • AASC - Assembly of Agency Staff Committees
  • SRGA - Self-Reconfigurable Gate Array
  • NLA - Npxt Lower Assembly
  • IA - Integration Assembly
  • AMPA - Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly
  • ESA - European Speedrunner Assembly
  • PCMIA - Personal Computer Manufacturer Interface Adaptor
  • GANF - General Assembly Nice France
  • ENAS - Event Neural Assembly Simulation
  • ABUL - Assembly of Bargaining Unit Leaders
  • GFA - Graphical Fragment Assembly
  • HPAC - Holy Pentecostal Assembly Churches
  • MGA - Maryland General Assembly
  • UMCA - Umbilical Midline Connection Assembly
  • COAL - Computer Organization and Assembly Language

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