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首页 > 计算机 > DOS 命令

DOS 命令

  • DO - a Batch command that precedes the action to be performed in a loop
  • %0 - a Batch command that replaces %0 with its own filename
  • %1 - first replaceable argument in a Batch file beyond %0
  • PAUSE - Stop execution, display a message, and wait for operator input
  • REN - REName a file
  • DEL - Delete file(s)
  • KEYBxx - load Foreign Keyboard Code Page for non-US keyboard
  • FASTOPEN - Store in memory file locations to speed access
  • CHDIR - Change Directory
  • BREAK - [ON/OFF] watch for a break in execution, or not
  • BACKUP - Back-up files
  • IF - Conditional Batch file command
  • CALL - Invoke a Batch file as a subroutine
  • GOTO - an unconditional branch in a Batch file
  • VER - Display VERsion of DOS
  • EXIT - stop execution and close a Batch file
  • COMMAND - a Batch command (under DOS 2.0)
  • TYPE - display a file's content
  • ECHO - Display other commands as they are executed
  • EXIST - a Batch command that tests for the existence of a specified file
  • CON - Accept CONsole (keyboard) output
  • REM - REMark (comment - not to be executed)
  • SYS - copies SYSTEM files to another disc
  • VOL - display disk's Volume Label
  • XCOPY - selectively copy groups of files

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