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  • JIB - Justice Information Board
  • LETA - Law Enforcement Technical Advisor
  • DEET - Drug Eradication Enforcement Team
  • DFRI - Digital Forensics Readiness Investigation
  • LRN - Legal Research Network
  • AUSA - Assistant U S Attorney
  • BKQ - to Be Kept in Quarantine
  • UKIPO - UK Intellectual Property Office
  • TJB - Texas Judicial Branch
  • ACA - Accreded Certifying Agent
  • PLAC - Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition
  • LAE - Legal Assistant Education
  • HUJ - Hmong United for Justice
  • ADJR - Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act (Commonwealth of Australia)
  • AL - Applicable Law
  • RTQC - Richard Todd Queen’s Counsel
  • TRACK - Tools and Resources for Anti Corruption Knowledge
  • LSOU - Law Society Of UTSC
  • SLF - Southeastern Legal Foundation
  • SAHC - Sexual Assault Help Center
  • LPLCHR - Litigation Project of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
  • SPJ - Students for Peace and Justice
  • RTCC - Real Time Crime Centers
  • YRJ - Youth Rights Justice
  • MMHC - Manhattan Mental Health Court

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