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  • LMW - Latin Macro Watch
  • PLAC - Parents of Latin American Children
  • SCHP - Scholarum Piarum (Roman Catholic religious order)
  • ALIRA - ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment
  • ROLA - Rest Of Latin America
  • LPT - Latin People Time
  • HOLA - Helping Orphans Latin America
  • LAACC - Latin American Alliance of Christian Churches
  • LHI - Latino Health Initiative
  • VQP - Vincit Qui Patitur
  • LMCF - Latino Multicultural College Fair
  • LACES - Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies
  • SNLS - Society for Neo Latin Studies
  • LPA - Latino Professionals Association
  • TTEA - Tigard Tualatin Education Association
  • ALAS - Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents
  • LAAP - Latin American Art Pavilion
  • HULA - Harding University in Latin America
  • LAWG - Latin America Working Group
  • JALAS - Japan Association for Latin American Studies
  • ECMT - European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • NCDP - Non Catalytic Displacement Plating
  • FIIAPP - DefinitionFIIAPPFundación Internacional y Para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (Spanish: International and Latin American Foundation of Administration and Public Policies)
  • STAT - Statim (at once, immediately)
  • TPLA - Technological Perspective for Latin America

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