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首页 > 医疗类 > 疫苗


  • BCG - Bacille Calmette-Guérin (Tuberculosis) Vaccine
  • DPT - Replaced by the term DTP (see DTP for description)
  • PCV7 (or PCV) - Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (7-valent) (no longer available)
  • MenB - Serogroup B meningococcal vaccine
  • PPV23 (or PPV) - Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (23-valent) (replaced by the term PPSV23)
  • MCV - Measles antigen-containing vaccines
  • 2vHPV - Bivalent HPV vaccine (Cervarix®)
  • 4vHPV - Quadrivalent HPV vaccine (Gardasil®)
  • HPV - Human papillomavirus vaccine
  • DRV - DNA Rabies Vaccine
  • BQV - Black Quarter Vaccine
  • GVAP - Global Vaccine Action Plan
  • HZV - Herpes zoster vaccine
  • IPV - Immunizations Polio Vaccine
  • LVK - Leukemia Vaccine Killed
  • MBV - Mixed Bacteria Vaccine
  • VFA - Vaccines For Adults
  • VBIR - Vaccine Based Immunotherapy Regimens
  • VIC - Vaccine Immunotherapy Center
  • VIC - Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center
  • SRVP - Self Reliance For Vaccine Production
  • SRVP - Self Reliance in Vaccine Production
  • GPMB - Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
  • LAIV - Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccines
  • VSQ - Vaccine Supply and Quality

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