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  • NGBL - Northside Girls Basketball League
  • FYBA - Friendswood Youth Basketball Association
  • FYBA - Farmington Youth Basketball Association
  • WABA - Womens American Basketball Association
  • RBA - Rookie Basketball Association
  • NBWA - National Basketball Wives Association
  • MSGB - Middle School Girls Basketball (various locations)
  • BAL - Basketball Africa League
  • WNBA - Woke National Basketball Association
  • HBW - Haarlem Basketball Week
  • PYB - Philadelphia Youth Basketball
  • PYB - Pleasanton Youth Basketball
  • OBCA - Oklahoma Basketball Coaches Association
  • EPBL - Eastern Pennsylvania Basketball League
  • NLBA - North Langley Basketball Association
  • NLBA - Newfoundland Labrador Basketball Association
  • NLBA - Newfoundland and Labrador Basketball Association
  • DAB - Destiny Anne Berger
  • TRBA - Toms River Basketball Association
  • FOTB - First Off the Bench (basketball)
  • NMB - National Men's Basketball
  • MEB - Montgomery excellence in basketball
  • NBC - Basketball Camps
  • CYB - Claremont Youth Basketball
  • CYB - Culpeper Youth Basketball

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