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  • BAIF - Biological and Artificial Intelligence Foundation
  • IDBD - Incremental Delta-Bar-Delta (algorithm)
  • DSM - Dynamically Schedule Machine
  • WWWAAS - World Wide Web Acronym and Abbreviation Server
  • AMMI - African Masters for Machine Intelligence
  • NTL - Non-standard Template Library
  • AMLT - Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
  • PSML - Private and Secure Machine Learning
  • LLML - Life Long Machine Learning
  • AIDR - Artificial Intelligence for Disaster Response
  • AIU - Artificial Intelligence Unit
  • AISP - Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing
  • GPAI - Global Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
  • AIFH - Artificial Intelligence For Humans
  • TPAMI - Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  • DMAI - Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence
  • MIQ - Machine Intelligence Quotient
  • AAII - Applied Artificial Intelligence Initiative
  • AIRR - Artificial Intelligence Robotic Racing
  • AIPP - Artificial Intelligence Policy and Practice
  • AIC - Artificial Intelligence Cooking
  • ARSCH - Assistierendes Refraktäres Synthetisches Computer Hirn
  • IMLS - International Machine Learning Society
  • AMLL - Applied Machine Learning Lab
  • HAILO - Hoover Artificial Intelligence Logistics and Operations

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