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首页 > 计算机 > 人工智能


  • DRLE - Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic Engine
  • SBUB - System Believes User Believes (computer model)
  • AICAN - Artificial Intelligence Creative Adversarial Network
  • IWAI - International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
  • CAML - Center for Algorithms and Machine Learning
  • CAML - Competency Aware Machine Learning
  • AILE - Artificial Intelligence and Legal Education
  • HPCAAS - High Performance Computing As A Service
  • BAIA - Bulgarian Artificial Intelligence Association
  • NAIRP - National Artificial Intelligence Resource Portal
  • DAIIA - Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
  • AIFR - Artificial Intelligence for Fundamental Research
  • FiML - Financial Machine Learning
  • AITA - Artificial Intelligence Teaching Assistant
  • FCTA - Fast Clustering and Tracking Algorithm
  • ICAI - Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence
  • CODT - Configurable Ontology to Data-model Transformation
  • MFAI - Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
  • CAIM - Cognitive Artificial Intelligence Meetup
  • MMML - MultiModal Machine Learning
  • CLAIRE - Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe
  • AIY - Artificial Intelligence for Yourself
  • PBAI - Pattern Based Artificial Intelligence
  • ITS - Intelligent Tutoring System
  • CAI - Creative Artificial Intelligence

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