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  • RLHF - Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback
  • PCRS3 - Packarius 352
  • ATML - Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
  • AIRA - Artificial Intelligence Remote Assistance
  • SAI - Securing Artificial Intelligence
  • IVRAI - Interactive Voice Response Artificial Intelligence
  • IVRAI - Immersive Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence
  • GOR - Greatness Over Realism
  • AIMI - Association for Image and Machine Intelligence
  • PPML - Privacy Preserving Machine Learning
  • AIIG - Artificial Intelligence In Geosciences
  • EUAI - End User Artificial Intelligence
  • CAII - Center for Artificial Intelligence Innovation
  • GXM - GoogleXperManagement’s
  • AIRA - Artificial Intelligence and Remote Assistance
  • AIRA - Artificial Intelligence Remote Access
  • MARI - Microsoft Africa Research Center
  • LSML - Large Scale Machine Learning
  • ITN - Integrated Tactical Network
  • MLLS - Machine Learning in Life Science
  • NTK - Neural Tangent Kernel
  • LAIP - Linking Artificial Intelligence Principles
  • RRKRR - Reduced Rank Kernel Ridge Regression (algorithm)
  • AIDR - Artificial Intelligence Disaster Relief
  • AIDG - Artificial Intelligence in Design Group

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